What is the most effective way to transfer a value from the server to a React user interface and incorporate it into the styling of the user interface?

Currently, I am utilizing Python as the backend for my React frontend. The backend is passing in values such as 17 or 87, and I aim to use these values as a percentage on the scale that I am constructing. Currently, the scale starts in the center:


At this stage, it remains stationary because the backend has not provided a numerical value. However, if the backend were to assign a score of 23, the triangle would shift precisely to 23% of the div (outlined by the black border):


Below is the code snippet in the HTML segment of my React frontend:

      ? 'results-container'
      : 'results-container-closed'
  <div className="result-wrapper">
    {this.state.score === ''
      ? 'Click record and check your score'
      : 'Your Score: ' + this.state.score}

<div className="scale-container">
  <div className="bar">
    <div className="arrow-up"></div>
    <div className="scale-meter"></div>

this.state.score is where the score is saved once received from the backend.

Presented below is my CSS styling:

.arrow-up {
  width: 0; 
  height: 0; 
  border-left: 25px solid transparent;
  border-right: 25px solid transparent;
  text-align: center;
  line-height: 35px;
  position: absolute;
  top: 54px;
  z-index: 1;
  border-bottom: 25px solid purple;

  animation: scale 4s ease;

@keyframes scale {
  from {
    left: 48%;
.bar:nth-child(1) .arrow-up{
  left: 23%;

The section .bar:nth-child(1) .arrow-up specifies where I intend to alter the left based on the score. Is there a method through which I can dynamically set the left value, rather than hardcoding it, maybe something akin to left: score%;?

Answer №1

To set the left property using inline styling, you can use this.state.score as the value:

style={{ left: `${this.state.score}%` }}

You can concatenate the % string with the score value at the end by using back-ticks:

      ? 'results-container'
      : 'results-container-closed'
  <div className="result-wrapper">
    {this.state.score === ''
      ? 'Click record and check your score'
      : 'Your Score: ' + this.state.score}

<div className="scale-container">
  <div className="bar">
    <div className="arrow-up" style={{ left: `${this.state.score}%` }}></div>
    <div className="scale-meter"></div>

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