Emphasize the most recent file during the document upload process and ensure the scroll bar moves accordingly to the document

I am currently working on a feature where the scroll bar should move to the newly uploaded document in a list of documents. When I upload a new document, I want the scroll bar to automatically move to that document. Currently, the highlighting changes to the latest document but the scroll bar remains stationary. If anyone knows how to implement this functionality, please provide guidance as I am new to UI development. Thank you.

Below is the HTML code snippet displaying the list of documents:

<div id="resume-panel" class="panel-collapse collapse">
    <div class="panel-body upload-newFile-container">
        <div class="input-group file-preview">
            (Code snippet continues...)

Here is a screenshot of the current UI view:

If you require further clarification on the question, feel free to ask. Thank you.

Answer №1

To maintain your scroll bar at the top of the page:

$('html, body').animate({
        scrollTop: 0
 }, 1000);

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