Media Queries elude my complete comprehension

Can anyone provide a brief overview? For example, should buttons and images, as well as a footer, all be placed in one Media Query or kept separate? I'm feeling overwhelmed by this.

Answer №1

Similar to @Berdesdan's suggestion, Media queries are utilized to define specific styles for your website based on screen sizes and other factors.

Personally, I find that the length of classes in different sections of my Style Sheet influences how I approach using Media Queries. For instance, I tend to have numerous classes dedicated to my header, footer, and other site sections. As a result, I typically incorporate a Media Query underneath each section within my CSS. Here is an example:

 /* Header Styles */

            .header { width:100%; }
            .header ul { }
            .header ul li { }
            .header ul li a {}

            @media (min-width:768px){
              .header { width:80%; }

            /* Footer Styles */

            .footer { width:100%; }
            .footer ul { }
            .footer ul li { }
            .footer ul li a {}

            @media (min-width:768px){
              .footer { width:80%; }

This method allows me to easily modify each section along with its corresponding media query in sequence. Essentially, there is no limit to how many media queries you can include in your CSS file.

I hope this clarifies things. Feel free to explore resources like and other materials focused on Media Queries for further information.

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