What is the most effective method for sharing features while maintaining unique aesthetics?

In the process of developing a Next.js website, I've encountered a challenge:

I have 3 forms that function in similar ways but have different styles. Instead of duplicating code for each form, I'm looking for a way to build the form structure once and then style it differently without resorting to global CSS or inline styles.

My initial solution involves assigning a class to the form element and styling its children using traditional CSS. While this approach works, it feels out of place as the project primarily utilizes Styled-components. I'm seeking a solution that aligns with the principles of SC without relying on global styles.

This is what the current code setup looks like:

// form.js
export default Form = () => {
  /* ... hooks and stuff ... */  

  return (
      /* ... */

// styled-form-1.js
import Form from './Form.js'

export default Form = () => {
  return (
    <Form className="styled-1" />
// globalStyles.css
.styled-1 form { /* ... */ }
.styled-1 input { /* ... */ }
.styled-1 button { /* ... */ }

.styled-2 form { /* ... */ }
.styled-2 input { /* ... */ }
.styled-2 button { /* ... */ }

While the current solution is functional, I am eager to explore a Styled-components approach. I just haven't been able to find the right implementation yet.

Answer №1

One interesting feature of styled-components is the ability to pass a function to its template literal in order to customize styles based on props. For instance:

const Card = styled.div`
  background: ${props => props.highlight ? "yellow" : "gray"};
  color: ${props => props.highlight ? "black" : "white"};
  padding: 1em;

    <Card highlight>Highlighted</Card>

This approach allows you to create versatile styled-components for your elements and adjust their appearance dynamically. To learn more, visit the official documentation.

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