What is the method to ensure background images are loaded with SSL from a different domain?

I run an online store and to improve performance, the images are hosted on a different domain. However, when I switch to secure mode using SSL on certain parts of the website, the background images disappear. Trying to view the image directly in the browser prompts me to accept a security certificate before displaying it.

My CSS code looks like this:

.some_class {
    background: url('//another_domain.com/image.png') no-repeat;

Is there a way to show background images from a different domain when SSL is enabled?

If I try using https in the URL like this:

.some_class {
    background: url('https://another_domain.com/image.png') no-repeat;

then the images are not visible on non-secure pages.

Using http:// will compromise the security of the page.

Answer №1

Assuming your domain is https://www.your_domain.com, but the CSS uses a hardcoded protocol:

.some_class {
    background: url('http://another_domain.com/image.png') no-repeat;

The issue at hand is known as "mixed content" - HTTPS pages with embedded HTTP resources like images or scripts.

HTTPS is meant to ensure that only the original server and client can access the secured page. However, if HTTP resources are mixed in, there is a risk of compromising this security. A malicious server could intercept an unsecured script and manipulate the secure page's contents upon loading.

Most web browsers indicate mixed content on secure pages by altering the security lock icon - displaying it as open, broken, or even in red (Chrome briefly used a skull and crossbones symbol before deeming it too severe for the threat level).

If another_domain.com is under your control, consider adding SSL to resolve this issue.

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