Discovering the exact measurement of "remaining space" in absolute units with flexbox techniques

I am faced with a dilemma that is leaving me uncertain.

Within a flexbox layout, specifically column-oriented, there are three children: top, middle, and bottom. The challenge arises in the middle child where I must embed a third-party component that requires knowledge of its container's size in absolute units (e.g. px) to render correctly.

The solution that comes to mind involves determining the pixel size of the middle container after it has been calculated by the CSS engine and then utilizing JavaScript to set the size accordingly.

To complicate matters further, the component struggles when its height is set in percentages.

For example,

<div id="componentPlaceHolder" style="height: 10%;"></div>

would not suffice. Instead, a declaration like

<div id="componentPlaceHolder" style="height: 455px;"></div>

is necessary to make it work properly.

How can I successfully achieve this?

Answer №1

To find out the height of the middle div using JavaScript, you can do the following:

let middleDivHeight = document.getElementById("middleDivId").clientHeight;

This will give you the height in pixels. You can then use JavaScript to set the height of another component:

document.getElementById("componentId").style.height = `${middleDivHeight}px`;

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