Unable to reset iframe style height in IE8 using JavaScript

I am encountering an issue with resetting the height of an iframe using JavaScript. Here is the code snippet I am working with:

var urlpxExt = document.getElementById('urlPx');
urlpxExt.style.height = "200px";

While this approach works well in most browsers, I am facing a problem specifically in IE8. Despite setting the height to "200px", the size of the iframe remains unchanged on my IE screen. To troubleshoot, I tried alerting urlpxExt.style.height right after setting it to "200px", and surprisingly, it displayed the original value rather than the updated one.

Interestingly, when I introduced a time-consuming process such as an alert before setting the height, the value resets successfully. Can anyone explain why this behavior occurs and suggest a resolution?

Answer №1

It's possible that IE8 is handling your iframe as a text-level inline element, preventing you from specifying a height style. To troubleshoot this, try adjusting the CSS display property of your iframe to block, and check if the issue persists.

Additionally, keep in mind that the iframe element allows for an HTML height attribute, giving you the ability to set it using iframeElement.height = [number].

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