What is the method for updating the value of the Sass variable in Angular 4?

Within the file app.component.scss, there is a variable named $color that has been set to 'red'. What steps can be taken within the file app.component.ts in order to access this variable and change its value to 'green'?

Answer №1

It is impossible to modify Sass at runtime since it is converted into pure CSS during compilation, leaving only the resulting CSS and its variables available for use.

Answer №2

Instead of just doing that, it would be better to utilize 2 variables for colors

$color-red = 'red' ;
$color-green = 'green'

Next, you can create 2 classes like below

   color: $color-red;

   color: $color-green;

Finally, following Sourav's suggestion, implement ngClass to apply the classes conditionally

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