What is the best way to structure Vue.js components for optimal organization?

Imagine having an index page called index.vue consisting of various components like this:


  <component-1 />
  <section class="section-1">
    <div class="container section-container">
      <component-2 />
      <component-3 /> 

import Component-1 from '~/components/Component-1'
import Component-2 from '~/components/Component-2'
import Component-3 from '~/components/Component-3'
import Component-4 from '~/components/Component-4'

export default {
  components: {

// style for the index page

Furthermore, there are files named component-2.vue and component-3.vue where specific css rules are declared. In this scenario, certain elements within these components have unique classes while others do not. If styling, let's say, section-1 is defined in the index.vue file, those styles will be inherited by all its children components. This setup allows for styling unique classes in the component-1.vue and component-2.vue files (using <style scoped>) while styling non-unique classes like section-1, container, section-container inside index.vue. Even though section-1, container, section-container exist in both component-1.vue and component-2.vue.

Thus arises the question: Is it a reasonable practice to structure code in this manner? This is what I seek to comprehend. One drawback of this structure is that css rules for certain elements in component-2 and component-3 are placed outside their respective components.

Answer №1

To ensure proper namespacing of elements in your Vue app, utilize the <style scoped> tag. In my experience working with a complex Vue application, I have found it useful to either incorporate unscoped styles directly into parent components or utilize SCSS or CSS modules within ./src/scss/ for styling shared elements across multiple components. This approach allows you to benefit from Vue's scoped styles functionality while also creating more reusable and modular styles as needed.

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