What is the Method for Multiplying Two ng-module Values in AngularJS?

In my application, I am utilizing the MEAN stack with AngularJS for the front-end. I have a table that contains two values - 'Payment value' with commas and 'commission' without commas. How can I multiply these two values? For example: in a transaction where the payment value is 1,925.10 and the commission value is 3, the result would be 1,925.10*3 = 5775.3...

Another example: In a transaction where the payment value is 1,925.10 and the commission value is 5, the multiplication of these values will be 1,925.10*5 = 9625.5...


<td >{{mani.payment }}</td>

    <td >{{mani.commission}}</td>

        <td >{{(mani.payment) * (mani.commission)}}</td>

My Data:

  "_id": "5816f4fad0be79f809519f98",
  "user": {
    "_id": "57400c32bd07906c1308e2cf",
    "displayName": "mani selvam"
  "__v": 0,
  "created": "2016-10-31T07:38:34.999Z",
  "remarks": "-",
  "commission": "3",
  "status": "pending",
  "amt": "4000",
  "cheque_currency": "Rs",
  "cheque_value": "300",
  "payment": "1,925.10",
  "debitnote_no_payment": "3",
  "supplier_name": "karikalan",
  "buyer_name": "Manidesigns"

"_id": "5816f4fad0be79f809519f98",
"user": {
  "_id": "57400c32bd07906c1308e2cf",
  "displayName": "mani selvam"
"__v": 0,
"created": "2016-10-31T07:38:34.999Z",
"remarks": "-",
 "commission": "5",
"status": "pending",
"amt": "2000",
"cheque_currency": "Rs",
"cheque_value": "300",
"payment": "1,925.10",
"debitnote_no_payment": "3",
"supplier_name": "karikalan",
"buyer_name": "Manidesigns"

I have created a Plunker for reference: Plunker

Answer №1

To fix the issue in your plunker, all you need to do is update this line:

<td>{{(mani.payment) * (mani.commission)}}</td>

Replace it with:

<td>{{(mani.payment.replace(',','')) * (mani.commission.replace(',',''))}}</td>

This simple adjustment will resolve the problem.

Answer №2

It is recommended to adjust the format from '1,925.10' to 1925.10 when responding to the request.

1925.10 represents the true value, while '1,925.10' is just a different representation of it.

For more information on converting variables with commas into numbers, you can visit Make parseFloat convert variables with commas into numbers

function parseFloatIgnoreCommas(number) {
    var numberNoCommas = number.replace(/,/g, '');
    return parseFloat(numberNoCommas);

Answer №3

Ensure that the value passed for multiplication is a number and not a string. Please review your Plunker as I have made the necessary updates. Alternatively, pass the value as a number in your JSON.


 <tr ng-repeat="mani in resultValue=(sryarndebitnote)"> 
        <td >{{$index + 1}}</td>
            <td >{{mani.amt}}</td>
            <td >{{mani.payment }}</td>
            <td >{{mani.commission}}</td>
             <td >{{(mani.payment) * (mani.commission)}}</td>

             <td>{{resultValue | sumOfValue:'amt'}}</td>
             <td>{{resultValue | sumOfValue:'payment'}}</td>


 $scope.sryarndebitnote = [
  "_id": "5816f4fad0be79f809519f98",
  "user": {
    "_id": "57400c32bd07906c1308e2cf",
    "displayName": "mani selvam"
  "__v": 0,
  "created": "2016-10-31T07:38:34.999Z",
  "remarks": "-",
  "commission": 3,
  "status": "pending",
  "amt": 4000,
  "cheque_currency": "Rs",
  "cheque_value": 300,
  "payment": 1925.10, // Change to number
  "debitnote_no_payment": 3,
  "supplier_name": "karikalan",
  "buyer_name": "Manidesigns"
"_id": "5816f4fad0be79f809519f98",
"user": {
  "_id": "57400c32bd07906c1308e2cf",
  "displayName": "mani selvam"
"__v": 0,
"created": "2016-10-31T07:38:34.999Z",
"remarks": "-",
 "commission": 5,
"status": "pending",
"amt": 2000,
"cheque_currency": "Rs",
"cheque_value": 300,
"payment": 1925.10,
"debitnote_no_payment": 3,
"supplier_name": "karikalan",
"buyer_name": "Manidesigns"

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