What is the correct way to superimpose an image with a transparent background?

I am currently working on a mini game that involves overlaying images on camera views. The goal is to have the gun displayed without the background rectangle, as shown in this image:


The code snippet below is relevant for achieving this:


    <!-- Camera -->
    <main id="camera">

        <!-- Camera sensor -->
        <canvas id="camera--sensor"></canvas>
        <!-- Camera view -->
        <video id="camera--view" autoplay playsinline></video>
        <!-- Camera output -->
        <img src="//:0" alt="" id="camera--output">

        <!-- Crosshair -->
        <img src="crosshair.png" class="crosshair" />
        <!-- Gun Model -->
        <img src="gun_model_1.png" class="gunmodel" />
        <!-- Camera trigger -->
        <button id="camera--trigger">SHOOT</button>


    <!-- Reference to your JavaScript file -->
    <script src="app.js"></script>

    <!-- Reference to adapter.js -->
    <script src="adapter-min.js"></script>



.gunmodel {
  position: absolute;
  top: 60%;
  left: 60%;
  display: inline;
  -webkit-transform: translateY(0%) translateX(0%);

It seems like my CSS styling is not producing the desired outcome.

Answer №1

Unfortunately, attempting to utilize paint to salvage transparent images is futile. It seems that the image you placed there is not genuinely transparent.

Answer №2

Make sure to verify that your image file labeled as "PNG" is truly in the PNG format.

Answer №3

To confirm if an image is transparent, open it in a web browser like Opera or Chrome. If the background of the image appears black, then it is transparent. If the image shows up with squares surrounding it, then it is not transparent.

Here's an example of an image that was supposed to be transparent but is not: link description

And here's another case: link description

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