Choosing Only the Visible Element with CSS

Within my program, there exists a text element that appears in two distinct sections: section A and section B (in the form of a popup). My intention was to create one object using CSS that could be utilized in both areas. By doing so, I would be able to employ the same object to evaluate this element regardless of its display location. Unfortunately, I am encountering difficulties in achieving this objective. It seems plausible that I may either need assistance from an individual with stronger expertise in HTML and CSS or that it might not be viable at all.

The following is the HTML code for this element when displayed in section A:

<td id="treeCol" valign="top" style="overflow: hidden; display: block;">
 <div id="orgTreeAndSearch">
  <div class="orgSelection">
   <span id="selection" class="" title="Select an org unit">Select an org unit</span>

The following is the HTML code for this element when concealed in section A (hidden when section B is shown):

<td id="treeCol" valign="top" style="overflow: hidden; display: none;">
 <div id="orgTreeAndSearch">
  <div class="orgSelection">
   <span id="selection" class="" title="Select an org unit">Select an org unit</span>

The following is the HTML code for this element when displayed in section B:

<div class="blockUI blockMsg blockPage PopUp White" style="z-index: 1011; position: absolute; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: 1365px; top: 50px; left: 50px; text-align: left; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); border: 0px none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
 <div class="White" style="margin: 0px 20px 20px; display: block;">
  <div class="PopUpClose" align="right">
    <div align="center">
     <table style="width: 100%;">
        <td valign="top" align="left" style="width: 410px;">
         <div class="orgSelection">
          <span id="dataAccessOrgSelection" class="">Select org unit(s)</span>

The following is the HTML code for this element when hidden in section B (concealed when section A is shown):

<div class="White" style="margin: 0px 20px 20px; display: none;">
 <div class="PopUpClose" align="right">
   <div align="center">
    <table style="width: 100%;">
       <td valign="top" align="left" style="width: 410px;">
        <div class="orgSelection">
         <span id="dataAccessOrgSelection" class="">Select org unit(s)</span>

In selecting the element within section A, I may utilize its ID with success:


For selection within section B, employing its ID also proves effective:


I aspired to craft a singular selector for this element and thus gave the following approach a try. However, this method targets both the visible and hidden elements. Thus, while on section A, it captures the element referencing both A and B, even though B is obscured (and vice versa).

div.orgSelection span[id]

Is there a means through which I can establish a lone selector for this element that solely pinpoints the observable instance? Perhaps checking for "display:none" within the style attribute could serve this purpose, yet I'm uncertain how to execute this when the element is situated within a td for section A and a div for section B.

Answer №1

So let me clarify your query - you are looking for a CSS selector that is valid for both A and B when they are in a visible state.

td#treeCol[style*=block] span#selection, div.PopUp>div[style*=block] span#dataAccessOrgSelection

To break it down further, the comma represents logical OR in CSS selectors. The visible divs have a portion of their style attribute as 'block' ([style*=block]). Therefore, we are searching for a span with the required id inside a visible div for both selectors. If these selectors don't quite meet your needs, consider tweaking the attributes a bit more.

To ensure the effectiveness of your approach, it's advisable to locate the element using this selector every time before verifying its visibility to prevent any StaleElementReferenceException, given that these elements are distinct.

If I were in your shoes, I would focus on a specific logic rather than hypothetical scenarios. It's crucial to know precisely which element should be visible and under what circumstances.

Answer №2

In accordance with Alexander Petrovich's advice, I would suggest using different element selectors because they represent distinct elements. To facilitate this, you can utilize easy selectors with unique IDs.

However, if there is a valid rationale for employing a single selector for two elements, it is essential to clearly define which parts of the DOM might fluctuate and which remain constant. While my knowledge of CSS is not extensive, I can provide some XPath expressions that may be helpful:

  • //span[(@id='dataAccessOrgSelection') or (@id='selection')]

  • //span[@class='']

  • //span[contains(text(),'Select') and contains(text(),'org unit')]

  • //div[@class='orgSelection']/span

I believe you should be able to translate these XPath selectors into CSS selectors... perhaps referring to this PDF can assist you further:

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