What is the correct code for the h1 tag?

Could you please clarify which of these code snippets is correct out of the following three options?

<h1><span class="bold">realestate</h1>
<h1 class=bold>realestate</h1>

I would appreciate it if you could provide some insight on this matter. Thank you!

Answer №1

The optimal choice is option 4:

<h1 class="main-heading">realestate</h1>

It's important to assign semantic meaning to your classes - a main heading should always be treated as such. What if the designer decides it would look better underlined? You might end up with something like this:

.bold { font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline; }

This can lead to confusion and inconsistency in styling!

Answer №2

The first example is incorrect as the span element does not have an end-tag:

<h1><span class="bold">...</span></h1>

Both the second and third examples are valid, although the third one is missing double quotes.

If you are deciding which one to use, I recommend using the second option and defining the bold style for the h1 element, like this:

h1 { font-weight: bold; }

Answer №3

It really depends on the specific goal you are trying to achieve.

If your aim is to have all h1 headings in bold, then you should go with option #2 and use CSS to apply the styling to all h1 elements.


h1 {
  font-weight: bold;



On the other hand, if you only want certain h1 headings to be bold, then option #3 is more suitable. Use CSS to target h1 elements with the "bold" class for styling.


h1.bold {
  font-weight: bold;


<h1 class="bold">realestate</h1>

The first approach could be considered if you specifically require only a part of the h1 text to be in bold.


.bold {
  font-weight: bold;


<h1><span class="bold">real</span>estate</h1>

Additionally, it is important to pay attention to proper quoting and closure of tags in your code samples.

Answer №4

In my opinion, the third option appears to be the most organized solution, although it is important to remember to enclose attribute values in quotes when working with XHTML:

<h1 class="bold">realestate</h1>

It doesn't seem logical to wrap the entire content of the <h1> tag in another tag. It would be more appropriate to encapsulate only the part of the tag that needs to stand out from the rest of the <h1>, without being completely different, for example:

<h1>Real <span class="bold">Estate</span></h1>

Consider the <span> tag as the inline equivalent of the <div> tag.

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