What is the best way to wrap all divs except for the one with a .header-container-wrapper class?

In the midst of a project involving hubspot, I am facing an issue. I need to enclose all div elements within the body tag, except those with the class .header-container-wrapper. The default code provided by hubspot wraps all divs within #site-wrapper.

$('body> div').find('script:not(script[type="IN/Share"])').remove().end().wrapAll('<div id="site-wrapper"></div>');

I would greatly appreciate any assistance. Thank you in advance. For further reference, please visit my test page at

Answer №1

To update the code, replace the line with the following:

$('body> div').find('script:not(script[type="IN/Share"])').remove();
$('body> div:not(.container)').wrapAll('<div id="main-wrapper"></div>');

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