An error keeps popping up in the console saying "Module not found"

import React from 'react'
import './sidebar.css'

import logo from './images/'
const sidebar = () => {
    return (
        <div className='sideBar grid'>
            <div className='logoDiv flex'>
                <img src='' alt='Image Name'/>

export default sidebar

When trying to use images from the assets folder, I encountered an error message stating that the module was not found.

ERROR in ./src/components/SideBar Section/sidebar.jsx 8:0-32 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../assets/' in 'C:\Users\Sakshi\OneDrive\Desktop\dashboard\src\components\SideBar Section'

Answer №1

import React from 'react';
import './sidebar.css';

import icon from './assets/icon.png'; // Change 'icon.png' to the actual file name and extension

const Sidebar = () => {
  return (
    // Add your JSX code here

export default Sidebar;

If you are exporting a component, make sure to rename the function as Sidebar with a capital S at the beginning when declaring and exporting it. If you are not importing a default function, import it using import {functionName} from "path". Also, ensure that the filename starts with a capital letter - Name it as Sidebar.jsx. Check the asset path properly to avoid path resolution issues.

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