What is the best way to utilize CSS to add commas every three digits in numbers within my application?

I'm working on an application that involves a lot of numbers, and I need to format them by adding commas every 3 digits using CSS or SCSS.

After searching on Google, I couldn't find a solution that meets my needs. Can someone please help me with this?

For example:

<span class="number"> 1234567.89 </span>

The desired result is:

<span class="number"> 1,234,567.89 </span>

Answer №1

When utilizing JavaScript, you have the ability to use the toLocaleString function

The usage is as follows: 1234567.89.toLocaleString()

Outcome: '1,234,567.89'


Answer №2

Here is a code snippet that you can try:

const num = document.querySelector('.num');

const formattedNum = parseFloat(num.textContent).toLocaleString('en');
num.innerText = formattedNum;
.num::after {
  content: attr(data-num);
<span class="num">1234567.89</span>

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