What is the best way to position a button on the right side of the page, ensuring that all text

I need help aligning my button (JSX component) to the right side while ensuring that all text remains on a single line. I am working with next.js and tailwindcss, and the button includes plain text as well as a react-icon. These components are all wrapped within a card.

Currently, this is what I'm seeing:

This is my current code for the card component:

return (
  <div className=" bg-white rounded-md text-black overflow-hidden ">
    <img className="object-cover w-full h-48" src={"/" + image}></img>
    <div className=" flex-none" id="text">
        <h1 className=" text-3xl font-semibold">{title}</h1>
        <p className=" text-gray-700 font-bold">{humanReadableDate}</p>
        <p className=" text-lg italic text-gray-500">{formattedAddress}</p>
      <div className=" m-3">
        <Button link={"/events/" + id}>
        <span className="inline">Explore event</span>
        <span className="inline"><AiOutlineArrowRight /></span>

And here's the code for the button component:

return (
<Link href={props.link}>
  <a className="inline-block text-right bg-emerald-500 text-white py-2 px-5 rounded-md">{props.children}</a>

Answer №1

Explore the concept of floating elements

Learn how to use float-right to align an element to the right side of its container.

Dive into the topic of sizing elements

Discover utilities for defining the minimum width of an element (e.g. min-w-max).

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