What is the best way to create a gradual color change in each individual cell instead of changing all at once?

Looking for some help with a grid I'm working on. I've got the cells changing colors like I want them to, but they're all changing at once. What I really need is for them to light up in a specific order - Yellow, Green, Blue, White, Orange. And it would be great if after each cell changes color, it goes back to grey until all the other cells have had their turn. Any ideas?

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, consider utilizing CSS keyframe animations. Determine the timing for each animation and transition the background colors of the cells to the desired color before reverting back. You can learn more about CSS3 animations from a reputable source like W3 Schools.

Answer №2

To implement a unique solution, create an individual setInterval for every cell. Adjust your function changeCol() to accept a single cell as input (instead of iterating through all cells).

Next, utilize a foreach loop to invoke a function for each cell, setting the interval using a setTimeout().

The key concept is to kickstart the setInterval() at slightly staggered timings for each cell. This is achieved by incorporating the setTimeout(fn(), i*delay) method.

//for each cell {
    setTimeout((setInterval(changeCol(), 1000)), i*delay);

Answer №3

Revise your colorChange function to the code snippet below. Feel free to adjust the value of 200 to modify the delay time for the setTimeout.

var colorChange = function() {
    var index = 1;
    $.each(colorData, function(id, colors) {
            $('#' + id).css('background-color', colors[counter % colors.length]);
        }, index * 200);

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