Create various designs for a section of a webpage

My goal is to create a coding playground using flex-box to position different panels. Here is an example in JSBin, with the following html code:

<div class="flex-box">
  <div class="col" id="html-panel">
  <div class="handle">
    <div class="handle-inner"></div> 
  <div class="col" id="css-panel">
  <div class="handle">
    <div class="handle-inner"></div> 
  <div class="col" id="js-panel">

I have added textareas inside each panel for user input, and use an AngularJS controller to update output based on changes in the textareas.

Now, I am considering different layout options without repeating too much code, such as horizontal or vertical arrangement of panels, or variations with 1 or 2 panels on either side. How can I implement this efficiently?

Should we maintain 1 common .html, .js, and multiple .css files for different layouts? This way, users can simply choose a different .css file to switch between layout options?

Answer №1

After conducting some investigation, I have determined that utilizing nested views, UI-Router, AngularUI, or Angular JS can indeed achieve this goal. By defining one html file per layout, we can effectively implement the desired functionality.

However, I am inclined to follow @DCR's suggestion of using only JS and CSS initially. This approach is more straightforward, as JavaScript allows us to dynamically insert html content using innerHTML. As a result, I could potentially inject 4 different html strings for 4 layouts, each containing shared class names for consistent styling in CSS and functionality such as splitter-dragging in JS.

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