Is it necessary for a click handler to be triggered when clicking on a scrollbar?

Check out these HTML snippets: Jsfiddle

  div { 
    border: 30px red solid; 
    padding: 20px; 

<div onclick="alert('div clicked');">click me</div>

If a user clicks on the scrollbar in Firefox or Chrome, the click handler on the div element will not activate. However, in IE, the click handler does work.

Which behavior is considered correct? Is there a defined expected behavior for this scenario?

Answer №1

According to W3C guidelines, it is recommended to position the scrollbar between the inner border edge and the outer border padding edge of an element. It is also important to adjust the dimensions of your element by subtracting the scrollbar's dimensions.

In simpler terms, the scrollbar should never be contained within the element itself, and the height/width of the element should be modified accordingly.

Answer №2

In my opinion, both behaviors are acceptable. In browsers like Safari, clicking should be triggered when the scrollbar is over the document, while in browsers like Chrome and Firefox, it should not.

I suggest avoiding tampering with the click on the scrollbar itself, but rather focus on handling the scroll event or determining if the click is on the document or elsewhere.

It could get complicated when dealing with mobile browsers and trying to predict their behavior in these scenarios.

Answer №3

When considering a scroll bar from a literal standpoint, it is not an integral part of the page itself but rather a tool for navigating that page. As such, it should not directly interfere with the content on the page unless an onscroll effect is applied. If a scroll bar ends up covering a portion of an element, it could be due to the page being too wide or the browser not adjusting for the additional width of the scroll bar. It seems like Firefox and Chrome handle this situation correctly, while IE may have a different approach to scrolling.

Another aspect to ponder is whether the browser displays any portion of the element behind the scroll bar when the page width is set to 100%. If this is the case, then the elements should still be clickable through the scroll bar.

I hope this explanation clarifies things :)

Answer №4

As stated on the W3 website, click events are considered to be bubbling events.

Essentially, what does this mean? A clear explanation can be found here:

Bubbling: This refers to the process in which an event moves upwards through its ancestors after being processed at the target of the event.

The issue arises when dealing with scrollbars, as we need to determine whether they should:

  1. halt the propagation of a click event,
  2. allow it to bubble up to a more suitable handler (such as the div element), or
  3. respond to the event while also allowing it to bubble up for ancestors to capture it.

Further elaborating on the matter, the same W3 resource explains the nature of a scroll event:

Scroll: This event is triggered when a document view is scrolled.

A scrollbar is typically expected to manage the scrolling of a document view (like a div) without disrupting its intended behavior, including event propagation.

The initial hurdle arose back when mouse scroll wheels were merely a concept, and clicking was necessary to initiate scrolling! Consequently, both behaviors 1 and 3 hold merit in this scenario (one prioritizing the scrollbar, while the other considering both the scrollbar and ancestors).

In essence, there isn't a defined standard for this particular situation yet. Browser developers have the liberty to opt for either approach, both of which are deemed valid.

To ensure consistent behavior across various browsers, one potential solution could involve capturing scrollbar clicks (applicable to Firefox and Chrome) and triggering the div's click event accordingly.

Answer №5

The issue at hand extends beyond just this specific scenario in webapp development: there is no concrete standard, only suggestions. W3C leads the charge in trying to unify the web, but their efforts result in recommendations since Microsoft and other smaller browser developers are not involved in the decision-making process.

In summary, neither side is definitively right or wrong due to the lack of a universally accepted standard.

To delve deeper into the history of this debate, it must be noted that many years ago Microsoft made a choice that clashed with Netscape (the primary competitor at the time) which conflicts with what current browsers are implementing regarding this topic:

Microsoft's stance was that everything related to an element should be contained within its bounding box (including borders, padding, margins(?), scrollbars, etc). This means that any click within the element triggers an onclick event regardless of the exact area clicked, as long as it falls within the bounding box.

On the other hand, W3C suggests that only the padding and visible content area should be included within the bounding box, while leaving borders, margains, scrollbars, etc. outside of it. The implication is that an onclick event is only triggered when the padding and/or visible content area of an element is clicked.

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