What is the best way to modify the text color within a Navbar, especially when the Navbar is displayed within a separate component?

First question on StackOverflow.

I have a Next App and the Navbar is being imported in the _app.js file.

import Navbar from "../Components/Navbar";

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return (
      <Navbar />
      <Component {...pageProps} />

The color of Navbar links is grey by default, which works fine on most pages with a light-colored background. However, on some pages, the color is not visible.

I am looking for a way to change the color of the Navbar links only when we are on a specific page. For example, when visiting the page http://localhost:3000/model3, the Navbar links should be white.

I am using the module approach for the Navbar and SASS as the CSS compiler with a Navbar.module.scss


import React from "react";
import section from "../styles/section.module.css";
import S from "../styles/models.module.css";
import E from "../styles/model3.module.css";
import Link from "next/link";
import Head from "next/head";
import { Fade } from "react-reveal";

function model3() {
  return (
      <Head SameSite="None">
        <title>Model 3 | Tesla</title>

      <div className={S.Wrapper}>
        <div className={S.Maincontainer}>
          <div className={S.Container}>
            <div className={E.TopSection}>
              <Fade bottom>
                <div className={section.carname}>
                  <div className={section.title}>
                    <h2 style={{ color: "white" }}>Model 3</h2>
              <Fade bottom>
                <div className={E.Details}>
                  <div className={S.DetailsContainer}>
                    <div className={S.DetailsHeading}>
                      <h3>3.1 s</h3>
                    <div className={S.DetailsData}>0-60 mph*</div>
                  <div className={S.DetailsContainer}>
                    <div className={S.DetailsHeading}>
                      <h3>358 mi</h3>
                    <div className={S.DetailsData}>Range (EPA est.)</div>
                  <div className={S.DetailsContainer}>
                    <div className={S.DetailsHeading}>
                    <div className={S.DetailsData}>Dual Motor</div>
                  <div className={S.DetailsContainer}>
                    <Link href="">
                      <span>Order Now</span>
export default model3;

If there is anything else I should include, please let me know. Thank you.

Please note that all Navlinks in the Navbar are currently grey. To improve visibility, I need to change them to white specifically on this page.

Here is how the page looks like.

Answer №1

There are numerous approaches you can take:

  • Utilize your route hooks - React Router offers useLocation(), where you can check the location and apply a class to change behavior according to the path.

  • Pass props to your navbar component.

  • Add a class to the body depending on the route, and then style your navbar using CSS .dark .navbar

The most suitable method will vary based on the layout of your project.

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