Customizing TableRow Hover Effects in React with Material-UI

I've been spinning in circles with this issue. It seems like I just can't grasp how class overrides function in Material-ui.

I attempted to follow the advice in this response: CSS on Material UI components However, it didn't produce any results (no errors). This could be due to me working with a stateful component rather than the stateless one used in the example.

Currently, I am experimenting with the following code...

<TableRow className={styles.tableRow}
    key={} hover
    onClick={event => this.handleRowClick(event,}
    classes={{ 'hover': {color: '#7EA5FF'}}} >

However, I encounter this error message: the key hover provided to the classes property is not valid for TableRow. You need to provide a non-empty string instead of: [object Object].

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

Looking at the code snippet you provided, it appears that you have:


followed by

classes={{ 'hover': {color: '#7EA5FF'}}

To properly modify your styles, you should include your style adjustments within the declaration of styles.tableRow and remove the className prop as it does not seem to be supported in the API. You can refer to the Material-UI documentation for more information:

Your code should look something like this:

const styles = theme => ({
     tableRow: {
      hover: {
         /// your styles...

render() {
 // It is recommended to use the classes prop, which corresponds to 
 // the styling obtained from the withStyles HOC function of MUI
 const classes = this.props.classes;
 return (
    key={} hover
    onClick={event => this.handleRowClick(event,}

If you provide the full code of your component in a sandbox or similar tool, I can offer more assistance. I need to see how you declare the styles variable and how you pass it to the component.

Material-UI relies on JSS for styling components, which may be unfamiliar at first.

For a helpful example relevant to your situation, check out:

Additionally, here is a useful documentation link:

Answer №2

const styles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  hoverEffect: {
    "&:hover": {
      backgroundColor: "green !important",

 const customStyles = styles();
<TableRow applyHover={true} customClasses={{hoverEffect: customStyles.hoverEffect,}}/>

Answer №3

const customStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
rowHighlight: {
    "&:hover": {
      backgroundColor: '#7EA5FF'

const highlightClasses = customStyles();

<HoverRow hover className={highlightClasses.rowHighlight}>

Answer №4

My implementation utilizes the withStyles (Version 4) feature, which relies on a Higher-Order Component approach. For an additional example, refer to this link.

const StyledTableRow = withStyles((theme) => ({
  root: {
    '&:hover': {
      backgroundColor: 'red',


   // Custom row logic implemented here

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