What is the best way to make the background color of section 1/2 cover the entire screen?

Is there a way to make the background color of section 1/2 fill the entire screen?

Check out this link for more information.

<div id="sections">

        <div class="section one">

        <a href="#section two"> <i class="fa fa-angle-down" style="font-size:100px;"></i></a>

        <div class="section two"></div>

Answer №1

If you are looking to incorporate the VH length unit into your CSS, it represents Viewport Height and works hand in hand with its counterpart, VW which stands for Viewport Width.

For instance, a simple demonstration of using these units would be:


div {
     height: 50vh;


This particular div will occupy 50% of the height of the viewport that surrounds it</div>

Without access to your specific CSS code, I cannot provide an exact solution. However, you can gain a deeper understanding by experimenting with your code on your own. To make a <div> half the screen height, you can simply set: div { height: 50vh; }.

(It may also be necessary to establish properties like min-height or consider other more intricate CSS layouts depending on the complexity of your DOM structure)

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