I am currently dealing with a series of table cells that are filled with various colors and styles. The issue I'm facing is getting the styles to tile properly, as they are not seamlessly continuing from one cell to the next even if they share the same style and color.
Is there a way to resolve this problem so that neighboring cells can seamlessly tile together using an SVG? To better illustrate my concern, I have created a simple table with different styles to highlight the existing issue.
td {
height: 25px;
width: 25px;
.red {
background-color: #ff0000;
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='28' height='49' viewBox='0 0 28 49'%3E%3Cg fill-rule='evenodd'%3E%3Cg id='hexagons' fill='%23000000' fill-opacity='0.47' fill-rule='nonzero'%3E%3Cpath d='M13.99 9.25l13 7.5v15l-13 7.5L1 31.75v-15l12.99-7.5zM3 17.9v12.7l10.99 6.34 11-6.35V17.9l-11-6.34L3 17.9zM0 15l12.98-7.5V0h-2v6.35L0 12.69v2.3zm0 18.5L12.98 41v8h-2v-6.85L0 35.81v-2.3zM15 0v7.5L27.99 15H28v-2.31h-.01L17 6.35V0h-2zm0 49v-8l12.99-7.5H28v2.31h-.01L17 42.15V49h-2z'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E");
.blue {
background-color: #505090;
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='152' height='152' viewBox='0 0 152 152'%3E%3Cg fill-rule='evenodd'%3E%3Cg id='temple' fill='%23000000' fill-opacity='0.47'%3E%3Cpath d='M152 150v2H0v-2h28v-8H8v-20H0v-2h8V80h42v20h20v42H30v8h90v-8H80v-42h20V80h42v40h8V30h-8v40h-42V50H80V8h40V0h2v8h20v20h8V0h2v150zm-2 0v-28h-8v20h-20v8h28zM82 30v18h18V30H82zm20 18h20v20h18V30h-20V10H82v18h20v20zm0 2v18h18V50h-18zm20-22h18V10h-18v18zm-54 92v-18H50v18h18zm-20-18H28V82H10v38h20v20h38v-18H48v-20zm0-2V82H30v18h18zm-20 22H10v18h18v-18zm54 0v18h38v-20h20V82h-18v20h-20v20H82zm18-20H82v18h18v-18zm2-2h18V82h-18v18zm20 40v-18h18v18h-18zM30 0h-2v8H8v20H0v2h8v40h42V50h20V8H30V0zm20 48h18V30H50v18zm18-20H48v20H28v20H10V30h20V10h38v18zM30 50h18v18H30V50zm-2-40H10v18h18V10z'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E");
.green {
background-color: #00ff00;
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='88' height='24' viewBox='0 0 88 24'%3E%3Cg fill-rule='evenodd'%3E%3Cg id='autumn' fill='%23000000' fill-opacity='0.47'%3E%3Cpath d='M10 0l30 15 2 1V2.18A10 10 0 0 0 41.76 0H39.7a8 8 0 0 1 .3 2.18v10.58L14.47 0H10zm31.76 24a10 10 0 0 0-5.29-6.76L4 1 2 0v13.82a10 10 0 0 0 5.53 8.94L10 24h4.47l-6.05-3.02A8 8 0 0 1 4 13.82V3.24l31.58 15.78A8 8 0 0 1 39.7 24h2.06zM78 24l2.47-1.24A10 10 0 0 0 86 13.82V0l-2 1-32.47 16.24A10 10 0 0 0 46.24 24h2.06a8 8 0 0 1 4.12-4.98L84 3.24v10.58a8 8 0 0 1-4.42 7.16L73.53 24H78zm0-24L48 15l-2 1V2.18A10 10 0 0 1 46.24 0h2.06a8 8 0 0 0-.3 2.18v10.58L73.53 0H78z'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E");
.pink {
background-color: pink;
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24'%3E%3Cg fill='%23000000' fill-opacity='0.47'%3E%3Cpolygon fill-rule='evenodd' points='8 4 12 6 8 8 6 12 4 8 0 6 4 4 6 0 8 4'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E");
<td class="green"></td>
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<td class="green"></td>
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<td class="red"></td>
<td class="green"></td>
<td class="green"></td>
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<td class="green"></td>
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<td class="pink"></td>
<td class="pink"></td>
<td class="green"></td>
<td class="blue"></td>
<td class="blue"></td>
<td class="red"></td>
<td class="green"></td>
<td class="red"></td>
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<td class="red"></td>
<td class="red"></td>
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