What is the best way to implement a CSS rule that is influenced by the number of siblings present within an element?

Is there a way to style an element differently based on the number of subelements it contains?

<div class="wrapper">
  <div class="element" />


<div class="wrapper">
  <div class="element" />
  <div class="element" />


<div class="wrapper">
  <div class="element" />
  <div class="element" />
  <div class="element" />

I am looking for a solution using only CSS, similar to the following:

.wrapper .element {
width: 50%;

.wrapper .element:only-child {
width: 75%;

However, I am struggling to differentiate between having 2 elements or 3 elements. Is this achievable using pure CSS?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Creating a wrapper with multiple children in HTML can be achieved using the data attribute, as suggested by @david-thomas:

Here is an example of a DIV wrapper and its children:

<div class="wrapper" data-wrapper-subs="3">
    <div class="some-class">Child 1</div>
    <div class="some-class">Child 2</div>
    <div class="some-class">Child 3</div>

Corresponding CSS styles for the wrapper based on the number of children:

div.wrapper[data-wrapper-subs="1"] div { width: 99%; }
div.wrapper[data-wrapper-subs="2"] div { width: 49%; }
div.wrapper[data-wrapper-subs="3"] div { width: 32%; }
div.wrapper[data-wrapper-subs="4"] div { width: 24%; }
div.wrapper[data-wrapper-subs="5"] div { width: 19%; }

div.wrapper div.some-class { /* Generic child styling */ }

Ensure to set the data-wrapper-subs attribute to the correct number of children.

If the number of children is unknown, this method may not work effectively due to limited styling options available such as :first-child, :last-child, :only-child, :nth-child(odd), :nth-child(even), and :nth-child([number]).

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