Targeting all children instead of just the odd ones when using `nth-child(odd)`

In the portfolio, I have a unique requirement where every odd entry should be reversed. These projects are generated dynamically from an array and passed into the component through props.

To style it, I'm utilizing styled-components.

However, I'm encountering an issue with nth-child where setting it to odd or even affects all of the projects. When set to odd, none of them are reversed, but when set to even, all of them are. What am I overlooking here?

Answer №1

<SummaryContainer/> is facing issues with mapping. It seems like the mapping is not happening as expected when running on the entire Project component. This may be why nth-child is not functioning properly. A simpler solution would be:

Step 1: Provide index as a prop to the Project Component.

Step 2: Apply styles to dynamically add rows based on odd or even logic

<JobContainer style={{ flexDirection: props.index % 2 ? 'row' : 'row-reverse' }}>


Step 3: In the <JobContainer /> component, use the passed style as

Following these steps should resolve the issue you are experiencing.

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