What is the best way to horizontally align an inline div using CSS?

Is it possible to apply CSS to center an inline div that has an unknown width?

Note: The width of the div cannot be specified beforehand.

Answer №1

To center an element set to display as inline, you can simply apply text-align:center to its parent container.

If you have a div within another div and want to center it horizontally, consider adding a wrapper and floating both elements. For more details, you can refer to this resource on how to horizontally center a floating element of a variable width.

Answer №2

I figured it out. To center your content, you need to add a new div with the style attribute text-align:center outside of your existing div, like so:

<div style="text-align:center;"> <div>

Your content should now be centered using this method instead of relying solely on inline display styling.

Answer №3

Here lies the simplest and most direct answer

.middle {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;

Answer №4

Enclose it within a div element where you can define the width, and adjust the margins of that specific div by setting them to: margin: 0, auto;

Answer №5

If you're aiming for a more solid structure, try using display:inline-block and text-align:center; on the parent container. Don't forget to include vertical-align:top as well.

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