Opting for css3 translate over using position: left for positioning elements

Why Using translate() for Element Movement is Superior to Pos: abs Top/left Read the full article Lisa Anderson

I struggled with implementing a CSS3 translate animation, so I opted for a jQuery solution that achieves the same effect. Click on the X icon .navi-toggle in the top left corner to see it in action. However, the motion appears somewhat choppy, leaving me intrigued by the potential smoothness of using translate().

View Codepen demo


<div id="page-container"> 
  <nav id="route-bar" >
  <div class="w-panel">
      <div class="navi-toggle">X</div>
      <div class="panel">
  </div><!--end of w-panel-->
</div><!--end of page container-->





  click: ->
    $(".w-panel").toggleClass "open-panel"

Answer №1

If you take a look at your CodePen example, this should help you make some progress. It appears that all you really need to do is animate the width, which can be accomplished using either keyframes or maybe even a transition.


.open-panel {
    -webkit-animation-duration: 2s;
    -webkit-animation-name: slideOver;

@-webkit-keyframes slideOver {
    from {
    to {

To see the full jsFiddle version, click on this link (my apologies for the -webkit prefix, but I hope this points you in the right direction).

Answer №2

Although I'm not familiar with translating, you might consider using margin as an alternative.

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