Optimal approach for creating a CSS button with a dynamic size, gradient background and arrow design

I'm utilizing the Zurb Foundation framework and aiming to create dynamic call-to-action buttons with varying sizes, text, a background gradient, and a right-pointing arrow.

There are three potential approaches I've envisioned:

  1. Employ an a element to wrap another element and style both backgrounds so that one contains the gradient while the other showcases the arrow on the right side.

  2. Utilize just an a element with a gradient background and insert the arrow as an img in my HTML code.

  3. Opt for a single element with a sole background image encompassing both the gradient and arrow for the entire button.

Each of these alternatives seems to have its downsides -

  1. Introducing a non-semantic div solely for aesthetic purposes.

  2. Incorporating an img in my HTML even when it serves only a stylistic function.

  3. This approach may appear messy, particularly if the button needs to be scalable.

What is the recommended practice from these options, or could there be another method that has not been explored? Additionally, how can I ensure that the button scales effectively with the text and arrow correctly positioned as the Zurb Columns adjust in size?

Many thanks! :)

Answer №1

It seems like your question is not entirely clear to me, but if you are working with Foundation, have you considered the following approach:

<div class="side-buttons">
    <button id="someid" class="nice [red:green:blue:black] button" onclick="someEvent();"/>

The use of the nice class can create a gradient effect similar to what you may be looking for. Additionally, the side-buttons class, as far as I remember, maintains the button width inherited from a nested div with class "two columns," while adjusting the height based on the text content.

I hope this information proves helpful. Feel free to provide some code examples for further clarification.

Answer №2

To achieve a gradient and background image effect in Firefox and Webkit browsers, you can utilize CSS3 multiple background syntax.

.gradAndImg {
    background-image: url(image.png), -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ffcc00, #ffffff);
    background-image: url(image.png), -webkit-gradient(linear, left-top, left-bottom, from(#ffcc00), to(#ffffff));

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