What steps can I take to ensure the proper formatting of the `select` input on Mac OS?

How can I maintain consistent formatting for my form across different operating systems?

Currently, the form looks good on Windows, but I want to ensure that the select input appears consistently on Mac OS, iOS, and Android devices as well.

The image below shows how the select field looks in a Safari browser. The same styling is present in Chrome on Mac OS as well.

For visual reference, here's an image of the Select Input

In the image above, you'll notice that the formatting remains the same for the Contact Number and Name fields, but unfortunately changes for the Debt Level field.

Answer №1

Each web browser comes with its own unique styling for native elements like selects. While you can try to apply specific styles to override some default settings, most CSS rules will be disregarded by browsers when it comes to selects.

If you want full control over the style of your select elements, you'll need to create a custom version. This resource provides guidance on how to achieve this: https://css-tricks.com/dropdown-default-styling/#article-header-id-4

Answer №2

Without the ability to comment, I am posting my response here instead.

If you are utilizing bootstrap, be sure to incorporate the ui:bootstrap CDN in your script tag.

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