What is the best way to find a specific class within a CSS file using Visual Studio Code?

Currently, I am working with a bootstrap template on my webpage. I am interested in personalizing specific sections of the design, but unfortunately, I am having trouble identifying the relevant CSS rules within the extensive .css file.

My research online has only led me to methods for searching for files rather than searching within them. There might have been an extension that could have helped with this issue, but it appears to no longer be available.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance you could provide on this matter.

Answer №1

If you want to search through files in VS Code, just use the combination of CTRL/SHIFT/F. For additional details, check out this link

Extracted from the site:

VS Code gives you the ability to swiftly scan through all files within the current project folder. Simply press Ctrl+Shift+F and input your search query. The search results are displayed by grouping the files that contain the desired keyword, along with showing where the hits are located within each file. You can expand a file to get a preview of all matching instances inside it. To view a specific hit, just click on it once.

Answer №2

To easily find what you're looking for, simply use the "ctrl+f" shortcut and enter your search term into the text box located in the top right corner.

Answer №3

If you're looking to uncover the CSS rules associated with specific HTML classes, a straightforward method is to launch your template or website in a web browser. Simply right-click on the page and select "Inspect Element" to reveal the HTML structure for inspection. Within the sub-tab labeled "Styles," you'll find all the relevant CSS classes and rules influencing its appearance.

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