Dealing with problematic hover behaviors in Cypress: A guide

I encountered an issue with Cypress hover functionality while trying to access a sub menu that appears after hovering over a main menu item. The error message I received was

This element is not visible because it has CSS property: position: fixed and it's being covered by another element:
. Despite following the workarounds suggested by Cypress mentioned in, I did not find success. According to the Cypress documentation, "Using .trigger() will only affect events in JavaScript and will not trigger any effects in CSS", so I attempted to modify the CSS property of the element first before using the .trigger command:

        cy.get('.header-module--subMenu--1TF98.header-module--menuLevel2--2QGyh').eq(0).invoke('attr', 'style', 'position: absolute');
        cy.get('.header-module--subMenu--1TF98.header-module--menuLevel2--2QGyh').eq(0).should('have.attr', 'style', 'position:

Unfortunately, this approach did not resolve the issue. Even though the confirmation

 expected <ul.header-module--subMenu--1TF98.header-module--menuLevel2--2QGyh> to have attribute style with the value **position: absolute**
was obtained, the same error persisted during the final step
This element <ul.header-module--subMenu--1TF98.header-module--menuLevel2--2QGyh> is not visible because it has CSS property: **position: fixed** and it's being covered by another element:
. How can I access the hidden submenu without resorting to using the { force: true } argument?

Answer №1

There could be a potential issue with the CSS selector being used, as you have set position: absolute but are still getting references to position: fixed.

If the selector is correct, you may want to consider using the .realHover() function from the cypress-real-events library to trigger the "show" effect.

This function utilizes the Chrome Devtools Protocol to automate actions within the Chrome browser's devtools.

Answer №2

Dealing with a similar issue, I found a solution that worked for me. Follow the steps below:

  1. Start by installing cypress-real-events using npm i cypress-real-events or npm i cypress-real-events --f.
  2. Next, import this statement -> import "cypress-real-events"; into either your commands.js or index.js located in your support folder.
  3. To use it, follow this syntax -> cy.get(".cssmenu > :nth-child(1)").realHover();

I hope this helps those of you facing a similar challenge.

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