What is the best way to determine which CSS class is shown when the page is loaded using JQuery?

I am facing a dilemma with displaying my site logo. I have both an image version and a text version, and I want to choose which one to display based on the vertical position on the page and the screen width.

<a class="navbar-brand" id="top-logo" href="#top"><img src="display_board.png" alt="Page Title"></a>
<a class="navbar-brand scroll" id="bottom-logo" href="#top">Page Title</a>

The current script handles screen resizing and scrolling once the page is loaded. However, there is an issue when loading the site on mobile devices - the image logo briefly shows before switching to the text logo, as the script file loads at the end of the HTML file.

var method_update_nav = function() {
  var buffer = 200;
  var horizontal_switch_point = 1200;
  var vertical_switch_point = $('.carousel-indicators').offset().top - buffer;
  var window_top = Math.round($(window).scrollTop());

  if ($(window).width() <= horizontal_switch_point || window_top >= vertical_switch_point) {
  } else {

var main = function() {
  /* UPDATE NAV */


If I load the script in the HTML <header>, it doesn't work because the classes referenced by JQuery are not defined yet in the HTML tags.

Is there a way to determine the correct class to show when the page loads, after the classes have been defined in the HTML tags?

Answer №1

When the script is loaded in the HTML header, it doesn't work properly because the classes referenced by jQuery are not yet defined in the HTML tags.

It's as you mentioned!

So, since you're using jQuery, make sure to place the script that references HTML elements at the bottom of the page within:

    //script can now access the values since the HTML has been fully loaded

I recommend looking up some tutorials online for more guidance.

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