What is the best way to design a dynamic menu using HTML, CSS, and jQuery, where each li element gradually disappears?

Consider this menu structure:

<ul class="main-menu">

My task is to dynamically hide the items on resize, starting with item 6, followed by item 5. The resulting menu should look like this:

<ul class="main-menu">

Answer №1

If you want to enhance efficiency, there are definitely ways to do so. The current code serves as an illustration of the solution.

Here is your HTML:

<ul class="main-menu">

And here is the JS code:

$( window ).resize(function() {
    var liWidth = 100;
    if($(window).height()/$('.main-menu').children().length < liWidth){
        if($('.main-menu li').first().find('ul').length > 0){
            $('.main-menu li').first().find('ul').append('<li>'+$('.main-menu li').last().html()+'</li>');
            $('.main-menu li').last().remove();
            $('.main-menu li').first().append('<ul><li>'+$('.main-menu li').last().html()+'</li></ul>');
            $('.main-menu li').last().remove();

    else if($(window).height()/($('.main-menu').children().length + 1) > liWidth){
        if($('.main-menu li').first().find('ul li').length === 1 ){
            $('.main-menu').append('<li>' +$('.main-menu li').first().find('ul li').html() + '</li>')
            $('.main-menu li').first().find('ul').remove();
        else if ($('.main-menu li').first().find('ul li').length > 1) {
            $('.main-menu').append('<li>' +$('.main-menu li').first().find('ul li').last().html() + '</li>')
            $('.main-menu li').first().find('ul li').last().remove();

The end result can be viewed on this Fiddle link.

Answer №2

After comprehending your explanation, this is how I plan to tackle the task at hand. My approach involves constructing an HTML structure containing the submenu and concealing it using CSS. Furthermore, I will employ the resize() function to dynamically show or hide the element based on specific conditions.

Answer №3

Indeed, all you need is CSS and media queries to achieve the desired outcome.


  <ul class="main-menu">
      <ul id="nav2">
    <li id="five" >5</li>
    <li id="six" >6</li>


#nav2 li {

@media only screen and (min-width : 150px) and (max-width : 580px)
#nav2 li {
#five,#six {


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