Creating a CSS section that expands with a minimum height of 100% and perfectly centers its content vertically

Seeking an elegant solution for having sections with a minimum height of 100% (window height). The div should expand to fit the content if it exceeds 100%, and vertically center the content within the div if it is smaller.

I have managed to find a simple solution for the 100% and expanding issue, as well as a workaround for vertical centering. However, the latter involves using an absolutely positioned inner wrapper which interferes with the expanding-to-content functionality.

Ideally, I envision the following structure:

<section> (height of window or child's height, whichever is greater)
    <div> (content wrapper, height equal to parent section or stretching to fit content)
      <p> (various content that expands the size of the wrapper and section OR centers if small)

Here is the current HTML...

<section id='a'>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam tristique dui tellus, sit amet laoreet est rhoncus sit amet. Donec ac fringilla enim, at molestie orci.
        Vivamus accumsan id dui vitae laoreet. Donec rutrum magna et magna pulvinar lobortis. Vestibulum non lacinia augue. Nullam scelerisque venenatis enim suscipit vulputate. Vivamus magna ipsum, rhoncus ac laoreet auctor, tristique eget mi. Nam ultricies dui vel fringilla facilisis.
        Aenean non ultrices risus, varius porta nunc. Morbi eu suscipit purus, eu posuere elit. Vivamus dictum rhoncus odio, id pharetra mi dapibus at.
        Aenean non ultrices risus, varius porta nunc. Morbi eu suscipit purus, eu posuere elit. Vivamus dictum rhoncus odio, id pharetra mi dapibus at.
<section id='b'>
<section id='c'>
<section id='d'>
...more sections well as my Stylus styling...

html, body
    width 100%
    height 100%
    padding 0
    margin 0

    width 85%
    min-height 100%
    border 1px solid black
    display inline-block
    margin 0
    padding 0
    position relative
    float right

    font-size 2em
    font-family 'Helvetica'
    font-weight bold
    width 50%
    margin-left auto
    margin-right auto

Lastly, here's a link to a JSFiddle demonstrating my current approach:

Your insights are greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

After brainstorming, I devised a solution utilizing a small snippet of JQuery that has proven to be effective. However, my preference would be to achieve this without relying on JQuery in order to maintain separation between styling and logic. Hence, I am open to alternative solutions.


    <div class='contentWrap'>
        ...insert content here...


    width wrapperWidth
    min-height 100%
    display inline-block
    margin 0
    padding 0
    position relative
    float right
    border-bottom 1px solid black
        position absolute
        z-index 1
        display inline-block
        top 50%
        width 100%
        min-height 50%
        height auto
        transform translateY(-50%)
        -webkit-transform translateY(-50%)
        -moz-transform translateY(-50%)
        -ms-transform translateY(-50%)
        -o-transform translateY(-50%)

Coffee/JS (executed on load and resize)

heightFix = ->
    $('section').each ->
        if this.children[0].clientHeight > $(window).innerHeight()
            childHeight = this.children[0].clientHeight

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