Is it possible to apply two ngClass directives to a single div element in Angular 4?

When I click to start editing, a component is called for the editing process. In this component, I am unable to click on anything and the background turns black, which is okay. However, I would like for each ID that I select to edit to become active with a white background or z-index.

This is my HTML

<div class="name-block" [ngClass]="'name-block-width-' + valueItem.level"
  [ngClass]="{active: activeSelected ===, 'name-block': true}" (click)="toggleExpand()">

This is the CSS

.name-block {
  @extend %common-block;
  @include center(false, true);
  @include justify-content(space-between);
  margin-left: 1px;
  padding-left: 10px;
  &.active {
    z-index: 950;

  div.businessId {
    @extend %flexbox;
    @include center(false, true);
    border-left: solid thin $border-color;
    padding: 0 5px;
    height: 100%;

@for $i from 1 through 7 {
  .name-block-width-#{$i} {
    width: 500px - (($i - 1) * 50px);

And this is the TypeScript code when attempting to edit

edit(editOptions: EditViOptions) {
  this.showChild = !this.showChild;
  if (editOptions.valueItem || editOptions.appendToParentId) {
    this.dataToPass = editOptions;
    this.activeSelected =;

  } else {
    this.activeSelected = null;

Answer №1

Here is an example of how to utilize it

<div [class]="'person-block person-block-width-' + itemValue.level"  [ngClass]="{'active': isActiveSelected ===}" (click)="expandToggle()">xyz</div>

Answer №2

Utilizing the [ngClass] directive multiple times within a single selector is not supported:

To implement this, follow these steps:

 [ngClass]="'name-block-width-' + valueItem.leve + ' '+ {active: activeSelected ===, 'name-block': true}" 

Answer №3

Here is one way to accomplish this task

<div class="custom-name-block"
  [ngClass]="{'custom-name-block-width-' + selectedValue.level:'custom-name-block-width-' + selectedValue.level,
                  isActive: currentlyActive ===, 'custom-name-block': true}"

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