What is the best way to customize a div depending on the validation status of all reactive form fields within it?

I am facing a challenge with a rather complex form that contains multiple fields. Some of these fields are used to create logical blocks, and I would like to emphasize the surrounding div if any of these included fields are invalid. Can you suggest the best approach to accomplish this?

Currently, I have been attempting the following implementation, but I seem to be stuck at a certain point

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import {FormBuilder, Validators} from "@angular/forms";

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
    <form [formGroup]="form">
      <input formControlName="name">
      <div class="div-address" [class.div-error]="DivHasError(divAddress)" #divAddress>
        <div class="div-text">Address</div>
        <input formControlName="addressType">
        <div formGroupName="address">
            <input formControlName="street">
            <input formControlName="city">
  styles: [
      input.ng-invalid {border-color: red;}
      .div-error .div-text {color: red;}

export class AppComponent {
  protected form = this.fb.group({
    name: ['', Validators.required],
    addressType: ['office', Validators.required],
    address: this.fb.group({
      street: ['', Validators.required],
      city: ['', Validators.required],
  constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {

  DivHasError(divElement: HTMLDivElement): boolean {
    //TODO: Implement a more generic way to determine if any of the included fields are valid
    // Return True if any included field is invalid, otherwise False

I am seeking a generic solution that does not involve manually listing all the fields in the "DivHasError" method. What would be the most efficient approach to achieve this?

Answer №1

Why not simplify things?

Anytime a field is invalid, Angular will automatically add the ng-invalid class to it. So all you need to do is list them in your CSS file.

For more information on form validation in Angular, check out this resource and learn about Control status CSS classes.

Answer №2

After carefully analyzing the issue, I came up with a simple solution. Here's a handy function that can verify if any fields within the div contain invalid data:

function CheckFormControls(form: FormGroup, elements:Element[], path: string[], controls: AbstractControl[]) {
  for (let child of elements) {
    const formGroupName = child.getAttribute('formGroupName');
    const formControlName = child.getAttribute('formControlName');
    const fieldPath = formGroupName ? [...path, formGroupName] : path;
    if (formControlName) {
      const field = form.get([...fieldPath, formControlName]);
      if (field) {
    if (child.children.length > 0) {
      CheckFormControls(form, Array.from(child.children), fieldPath, controls);

export function ValidateDiv(formGroup: FormGroup, div:HTMLDivElement): boolean {
  const controls: AbstractControl[] = [];
  CheckFormControls(formGroup, Array.from(div.children), [], controls);
  for (let control of controls) {
    if (!control.valid) {
      return true;
  return false;

As for the HTML part:

<div class="div-address" [class.div-error]="ValidateDiv(form, divAddress)" #divAddress>

I do have some concerns about performance given the complexity of the validation logic, but at first glance, it seems acceptable.

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