Locate the class ID and refine the search results by another class

I am currently working on a task that involves extracting the first <li> element's id where it has the class name my_class, and checking if the <span> with the class Time contains a ":" using jquery.

Below is the sample HTML structure:

<ul class="list">
   <li id="myID-1" class=""> 
        <span class="Time">00h : 10m</span>
   <li id="myID-2" class="my_class">
        <span class="Time">01h : 08m</span>
   <li id="myID-3" class="my_class"> 
        <span class="Time">waiting</span>                                       


var ID = $(".my_class").attr("id"); 

The challenge now is how to filter the results based on the class Time.

Is there anyone who can assist me in solving this issue?

Answer №2

Experiment with this:


Fiddle Site

Answer №3

Feel free to implement this code snippet.

if($(this).child().hasClass("Time").text().indexOf(':') > -1)
     var uniqueId = $(this).attr("id");

Many thanks, Hayat S.

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