Elements that are hidden or not displayed are still able to receive mouse over events

I am in the process of learning how to handle events within svgs and I have encountered a strange issue. Currently, I am working on an infovis project where I create an interface to display various column-graphs. This part is functioning well so far. However, I am implementing hover-events to show specific numbers when hovering over a rectangle. This feature works fine with the initial chart that I generate. Yet, even though I hide that chart using either 'visibility: hidden' or 'display: none', it still receives the event. Do I need to completely remove the initial chart to create a new one? Should I consider working with separate SVGs and incorporating an external interface to manage hiding/showing different svgs? I would greatly appreciate any advice or best practices! Thank you in advance! Suse

Answer №1

An alternative method for concealing elements involves moving them out of view on the screen, such as using hidden iframes and applying a negative x/y position. This approach can effectively address any potential mouse-over concerns.

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