What is the best way to configure a row layout in a Vuetify dialog component?

Encountering a layout issue. Here is the problem:


When the dialog pops up, it appears strange because the width of the

row(<v-row justify="center">
) is larger than the width of the dialog, resulting in two shadows being seen.

My goal is to make the width of the row(<v-row justify="center">) match with the width of the dialog.

I have attempted to solve this but haven't found a solution yet. Any help would be appreciated.

Answer №1

configure your dialogue to automatically adjust its width

.v-dialog {

ensure there are no gutters in your row layout

<v-row no-gutters justify="center">

apply padding on the right side of your column and eliminate the row=2 attribute

<v-col class='px-3' v-show="foo.date !== null" 

Answer №2

utilize v-card within v-col components

<div id="app">
            v-for="item in items"
            :ref="'dialog' + item.id"
            <template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
              <v-btn color="success" dark v-on="on">select date {{item.id}} {{ item.date }}</v-btn>
            <v-card class="py-2">
                <v-row justify="center" no-gutters align-content="center">
                  <v-col md="auto" justify-self="center">
                    <v-date-picker v-model="item.date" @input="handleDateChange">
                      <div class="flex-grow-1"></div>
                      <v-btn text color="primary" @click="modal[item.id] = false">Cancel</v-btn>
                      <v-btn text color="primary" @click="$refs['dialog' + item.id][0].save(item.date)">OK</v-btn>
                      v-show="item.date !== null"
                      <template v-for="time in allowedTimes">
                          :outlined="time !== selectedTime"
                        >{{ time }}</v-btn>

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