endless cycle of scrolling for div tags

My goal is to incorporate a tweet scroller on

I believe it uses the tweet-scroller from

Unfortunately, this link seems broken as the demo is not functioning.

I searched for an alternative solution and came across http://jsfiddle.net/doktormolle/4c5tt/

Here is the HTML code:

<ul class="slide">
  <li><img src="http://www.google.com/logos/2010/canadianthanksgiving2010-hp.jpg"/></li>
  <li><img src="http://www.google.com/logos/2010/germany10-hp.gif"/></li>
  <li><img src="http://www.google.com/logos/stpatricks_02.gif"/></li>


 ul.slide li{float:left;
 ul.slide img{border:1px solid silver;


 //Plugin start
(function ($) {
    var methods = {
     init: function (options) {
         return this.each(function () {
             var _this = $(this);
             _this.data('marquee', options);
             var _li = $('>li', _this);

             _this.wrap('<div class="slide_container"></div>')
                 .hover(function () {
                         if ($(this).data('marquee').stop) {
                             $(this).stop(true, false);
                     function () {
                         if ($(this).data('marquee').stop) {
                     position: 'relative',
                     overflow: 'hidden',
                     'height': $('>li', _this).height()
                     width: screen.width * 2,
                     position: 'absolute'

             for (var i = 0; i < Math.ceil((screen.width * 3) / _this.width()); ++i) {


     slide: function () {
         var $this = this;
                 'left': $('>li', $this).width() * -1
             function () {
                 $this.css('left', 0).append($('>li:first', $this));



     $.fn.marquee = function (m) {
     var settings = {
         'delay': 2000,
         'duration': 900,
         'stop': true

     if (typeof m === 'object' || !m) {
         if (m) {
             $.extend(settings, m);

         return methods.init.apply(this, [settings]);
     } else {
         return methods[m].apply(this);

 //Plugin end

 function () {
         delay: 3000

With some minor modifications, this solution works fine. Here's the modified version: http://jsfiddle.net/3pZwR/1/

The only issue is that it stops after each div is scrolled.

I am seeking an infinite scroll effect without interruptions, similar to what is seen on HubSpot.

Answer №1

Consider utilizing a different JQuery Easing technique rather than "swing". Explore the various Easings available on the JQuery website: http://api.jqueryui.com/easings/

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