What is the best way to conceal the border and background color of the dropdown arrow in an HTML <select> tag?

Upon browsing the Mozilla homepage, I noticed a peculiar element in the center - a <select> option with an arrow lacking border and background color. In contrast, when visiting the Facebook sign-up page, the drop-down arrow adheres to the Windows standard border and background color. This variance piqued my curiosity. Despite attempting to eliminate the border using CSS by setting it to none, only the border surrounding the entire <select> component disappeared while the arrow retained its border. These observations were made on Firefox 4 running on Windows.

A visual depiction can be seen in the attached screenshot, where the upper portion showcases Facebook's drop-down list appearance, and the lower section displays Mozilla's variation.

Answer №1

When the border css property of the select element is left as default, it will be displayed in a native style, like in Mozilla's case. However, when a border is specifically defined, the browser will attempt to show the select element with a border, even if it means sacrificing some of its original appearance (similar to Facebook).

Alternatively, the browser may try to render the native combobox without a border and then add a border around it. Regardless, specifying a border for the combobox requires different rendering methods depending on the operating system or browser being used.

For your information, I am using the classic theme in Windows 7, and the Mozilla select button resembles a typical classic Windows button: gray and three-dimensional:

Answer №2

What you are looking at is not a dropdown menu, but actually an input field paired with another input field in the form of an image. The image input serves as a submit button for a form. Here is the HTML code for it:

<input id="q" type="search" placeholder="Search" name="q">
<input id="quick-search-btn" type="image" alt="Search" src="/images/template/search-submit.png">

By the way, if you use Firefox, I suggest installing the Firebug add-on. It allows you to right-click on any element and inspect it.

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