What is the best way to choose the second element with a specific class?

Begin by acknowledging that I am familiar with the concept of nth-child, but it seems that it will not be effective in my specific case. Consider the following HTML:

    <div class="myclass">test1</div>
    <div class="myclass">test2</div>
    <div class="myclass">test3</div>

Now, I aim to highlight the div containing test2. It is evident that using .myclass:nth-child(2) will not produce the desired result as it searches for the second child instance of myclass, which are all first children. The failure of this approach can be observed here.

Consequently, how would one go about selecting the second occurrence of myclass in the given example solely utilizing CSS3? Note that javascript/jquery cannot be employed.

Answer №1

Try this method:

div:nth-of-type(2) .myclass {
    background-color:pink !important;


div:nth-child(3) .myclass {
    background-color:pink !important;

Answer №2

div:nth-of-type(2) > .myuniqueclass{

Slightly stronger.

Answer №3

When approaching the issue raised by imjared's response, it may be beneficial to adjust your perspective on DOM manipulation. Your initial query suggests a desire to target the second occurrence of .myclass for modification, however, CSS lacks the capacity to search comprehensively across all instances preceding or succeeding.

An alternative approach could involve conceptualizing the problem as follows:

<consider using a container element, such as body> div:nth-of-type(2) .myclass {
    color: red;

The objective here is to pinpoint the .myclass element within the second segment of a designated container. The code you provided would only be effective if the .myclass elements were immediate siblings, which is not the case.

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