Exploring the world of animation with Jquery and images

I'm delving into the world of jQuery to create some captivating animations. Currently, I've been tasked with an assignment involving images that expand, contract, change opacity, and eventually hide.

Below is my code snippet:

function play_pic1()
    var div = $("#img");


The issue arises when trying to work with multiple images; the second image remains static while the first one animates as intended.

Despite attempting to implement loops and functions, the problem persists. Any guidance on resolving this dilemma would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

If you want to animate a specific element, you can pass it as a parameter in the function.

function animateElement(element)
    var div = $(element);


After clarifying with OP: for sequential animations on different elements, consider using Deferred objects.

Example JSBin: http://jsbin.com/ilisug/1/edit

function animate(el)
    var div = $(el);
    return div.animate({width:0},2000)


    var dfd = $.Deferred(), 
        chain = dfd;

    var slide = ['#el1', '#el2', '#el3'];

    $.map(slide, function(el) {
        chain = chain.pipe(function() {
            return animate(el).promise();

    chain.done(function() {

    return dfd.resolve();

Answer №2

let element = $("#img");

The code snippet above indicates that only the element with an ID of #img will be targeted. If you want to dynamically add an image, some adjustments need to be made to the code. You can pass an ID to a function and then apply animation effects to it. For example:

function animateImage(id) {
    let element = $(id);
    element.animate({width: 0}, 2000);
    element.animate({width: 1100, opacity: 0}, 4000);
    element.animate({opacity: 1}, 4000);

Answer №3

When using the #img selector, it will only apply to the first image on the page. To make this function work for other images, you need to pass the specific selector as an argument to play_pic1().

function play_pic1(elem)
    var div = $(elem);
    //implement your code here

         play_pic1("#img"); //pass the img selector to play_pic1

Answer №4

It seems like the issue you're facing is using the same ID for multiple elements, such as #img, which will only impact the first element.

Instead of this, you can utilize a class like .img and implement the following code:

function play_pic1(){
   var div = $(this);


Try using the class $(".img") instead.

Answer №5

The reason for this limitation is that in HTML, each element can only have one unique ID assigned to it. To work around this restriction, it's best to use classes instead of IDs. For example, you can create a

<div class=img></div>
and access it using jQuery by selecting the class name like so:

var div = $(".img");

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