The hyperlink function is not operational in Gmail attachments

Using an anchor tag to navigate to a specific section within the same page works perfectly when the HTML file is on my local machine. However, when I attach the file in Gmail and open the attachment, it doesn't work. Why is this happening? How can I make it work on a Gmail attachment? By the way, is there a way to ensure that it works on a Gmail attachment?

P.S: Dealing with HTML compatibility issues is getting frustrating.

Answer №1

In Gmail, traditional HREF anchors cannot be used to navigate between elements on the same page because Gmail alters all HREF values in an email after it is received by the server. For instance, as shown in the screenshot provided, the anchor tag originally ended with JMIA, but everything following that was added by Gmail.

However, an alternative syntax can be used, although its effectiveness depends on whether the element being navigated to is visible within the reading pane. If the element is already on the screen, Gmail will not automatically scroll down to it.

<a name="..">

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