JavaScript can sometimes present peculiar challenges when it comes to setting style attributes, especially when a DOCTYPE is

It seems like I am encountering an issue when trying to dynamically create and modify a <div> element using JavaScript. The problem arises when I use the XHTML 1 Transitional doctype.

This is how I am generating the <div>:

var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
newDiv.innerHTML = '<div id="myID" style="z-index:9998;border: 1px solid #000000;

Initially, the myDiv is positioned outside of the visible screen area.

Later on, when a click event occurs, I execute the following code:

var myDivElement = document.getElementById("myID"); = 200; = 200;

Everything works smoothly without any issues until I include the doctype declaration in the HTML. Once the doctype is added, the styling modifications fail to take effect.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

With the presence of the doctype, the assignment of values to properties like top, left, width, and height through JavaScript gets ignored. However, specifying units (such as px) alongside these values resolves the problem. = "200px"; = "200px";

Therefore, it raises the question of how the doctype impacts the execution of JavaScript functions related to styles and potentially other operations as well.

Answer №1

Using numerical values without units is technically incorrect, even if the browser allows it to work without a doctype (browsers behave unexpectedly without a doctype).

The style properties are similar to CSS properties, requiring strings with appropriate units attached. For example, "200px" is valid while 200 alone is not. The properties like left, should be specified using lengths such as "200px" or "10em", percentages, or keywords like auto and inherit. You can refer to the CSS 2.1 spec for more details.

When creating the myID div, remember to include units in your string:

div.innerHTML = '<div id="myID" style="z-index:9998; ' +
    'border: 1px solid #000000; ' +
    'border-radius:3px;' +
    'position: absolute;' +
    'display: block;' +
    'top:-10000px;' +     // here
    'left:-10000px;' +    // here
    'width:400px;' +      // here
    'height:400px;"' +    // and here

Answer №2

By incorporating the DOCTYPE declaration, you are informing the browser of the specific standard being utilized (such as XHTML 1.0 in your situation). This prompts the browser to adhere to a precise rendering mode, rather than defaulting to a more lenient quirks mode in the absence of a DOCTYPE.

Consequently, this results in stricter interpretation of your code – all dimensions should be accompanied by units (e.g., 200px, 1.2em, etc.). Without a unit, numerical values lack significance and will be disregarded by the browser when not operating in quirks mode.

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