After recently diving into the world of CSS, I have a solid grasp on the fundamentals. However, I am encountering difficulties when attempting to target specific text within my Drupal site. The theme in use is "stark" which provides minimal styling, almost none of which is visible when inspecting the content 'TEST' (last line) with tools like Firebug.
Below is the current stack for the divs being utilized. Panels are incorporated, resulting in additional div elements.
<div id="crhub" class="panel-flexible crhub clearfix">
<div class="panel-flexible-inside crhub-inside">
<div class="crhub-left">
<div class="panels-flexible-column panels-flexible-column-crhub-1 panels-flexible-column-first ">
<div class="inside panels-flexible-column-inside panels-flexible-column-crhub-1-inside panels-flexible-column-inside-first">
<div class="panels-flexible-row panels-flexible-row-crhub-3 panels-flexible-row-first clearfix ">
<div class="inside panels-flexible-row-inside panels-flexible-row-crhub-3-inside panels-flexible-row-inside-first clearfix">
<div class="panels-flexible-region panels-flexible-region-crhub-cr_logo panels-flexible-region-first panels-flexible-region-last cr-logo">
<div class="inside panels-flexible-region-inside panels-flexible-region-crhub-cr_logo-inside panels-flexible-region-inside-first panels-flexible-region-inside-last">
<div id="#cr-logos" class="panel-pane pane-page-site-name">
<div class="pane-content"> TEST </div>
Upon selecting the "TEST" text in Firebug, the controlling CSS is identified as shown below from my local.css file.
body {
color: #000000;
font-family: "Lucida Grande","Lucida Sans Unicode",sans-serif;
font-size: 81.3%;
font-size-adjust: none;
font-style: normal;
font-variant: normal;
font-weight: normal;
line-height: 1.538em;
The desired styling specified in my local.css is relatively straightforward.
color: #669900;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: xx-large;
EDIT: The classes defined by panels are present whenever a panel is used on the page or site. I require precise CSS targeting for this particular piece of text within this specific content. This is why I included the ID #cr-logos, yet I am unable to isolate this text successfully.
I've experimented with various combinations to select the text, but the base body definition in the CSS mentioned above consistently overrides any attempts. The multitude of divs, IDs, and classes are proving confusing. Additionally, class names like
"class="panel-pane pane-page-site-name"
leave me wondering if these are two distinct classes listed together or just one.