Footer displays within the content section

Currently, I am utilizing Next.js and antd's layout components to create a dashboard-style page using their Layout component. However, I have encountered two issues related to styling (CSS) in this setup:

  • Footer appearing within the Content: I am working on a modified version of the fixed-sider example from the antd documentation. The Footer is ending up between the Content components. It seems like a styling issue, but I am struggling to pinpoint the exact problem. What kind of styling issue should I be focusing on to resolve this?
  • Scrolling behavior: When fully expanded, the Sidebar cannot be scrolled all the way to the end. Instead, the browser window scrollbar needs to be used to navigate through the fixed sidebar content completely. Is there a way to disable the window's scrollbar (which also affects the appearance)? If disabling it is not an option, how can I make the sidebar scrolling smooth and independent from the browser window scrollbar?

I have recreated the problem in this CodeSandbox demo.

Answer №1

The issue at hand is a result of the interaction between multiple <Layout /> components and their children, particularly when they have varying heights. It seems that child Layout and Content components inherit height from the parent Layout, or at least have a smaller height.

Your current Layout setup looks like this (pseudocode):

  <Layout restrictedHeight >
    <Layout inheritedRestrictedHeight>
      <Content inheritedRestrictedHeight >
        <div unrestrictedHeight />
      </Content> //Content "height" ends here
      <Footer fixedPosition /> //Always begins where Content ends
      //Div "height" ends here

The footer is implemented in such a way that it is placed after the Content in the DOM, but since the large div's height is not restricted, it extends far below the Content container. This results in the Footer component appearing to render within the content.

The issue lies with this line:

<Layout hasSider={true} style={{ height: "100vh", marginTop: 64 }}>

By setting the height property to 100vh (100% view height), you are effectively limiting the layout to the current pixel count available on the screen vertically. To address this, set the height to 100% instead of 100vh:

<Layout hasSider={true} style={{ height: "100%", marginTop: 64 }}>

This adjustment resolves the double scroll bar issue as well.


To prevent the sidebar from scrolling, give the Sider component a specific height equivalent to what is visible on the screen.

The component renders in the DOM with a height based on its contained content. To achieve a non-scrolling sidebar, limit the height to the space below the navigation bar by calculating 100vh minus the nav bar's size in the CSS/LESS for the sidebar: height: calc(~"100vh - 64px"); and ensure overflow-y is set to auto.

.sidebar {
  overflow-y: auto;
  overflow-x: hidden;
  height: calc(~"100vh - 64px");
  position: fixed;
  left: 0;

For an updated solution, refer to this codesandbox.

In future queries, it is recommended to focus on one main question for better responses.

Answer №2

The solution is to reposition the footer between lines 119 and 120, ensuring it aligns with the sidebar within the same container.

Answer №3

Regrettably, I am unable to make changes to your script. Upon reviewing it, my recommendation would be to insert the following code snippet:

<Footer style={{ textAlign: "center" }}>
            Ant Design ©2018 Created by Ant UED

After the layout tag.

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