What is the best way to change the default info color in bootstrap 5.0 to match the info color in bootstrap 3?

Back in the days of bootstrap 3, the sweet info color was #d9edf7. Whenever you used bg-info or alert-info, that trusty old background color was #d9edf7 like clockwork. I'm on a mission to make bootstrap 5.0 behave the same way with the info color.

So, I've got this custom scss file to twist bootstrap to my will:

When I set the info or cyan variable to #d9edf7, my .bg-info elements look on point but the .alert-info elements end up lightened by 60%.

$info: #d9edf7;
@import "../scss/bootstrap.scss";

However, when I switch things up and set the info or cyan variable to #40a4d7, suddenly my .alert-info elements are turning heads and looking just right, but the .bg-info elements are 40% darker than #d9edf7.

$info: #40a4d7;
@import "../scss/bootstrap.scss";

How can I crack the code and override bootstrap to bring my vision to life? Basically, any element using the info color should rock a background color of #d9edf7.

<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="07656868737473756677473229372935">[email protected]</a>/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div class="alert alert-info" role="alert">
  A simple info alert—check it out!

<div class="bg-info" style="width:100%; height:60px;">
This should have the same background color because they're both using the 'info' color

Answer №1

Enhanced Bootstrap 5.0.2 Version

Due to the innovative color "scaling" technique implemented in version 5.0, it is necessary to regenerate the alert-info class by inputting the appropriate colors into the alert-variant mixin...

@import "functions";
@import "mixins";

$info: #d9edf7;

@import "variables";
@import "bootstrap";

.alert-info {
    @include alert-variant($info, $info, shift-color($info, $alert-color-scale));

In this scenario, I have continued to utilize the scaling for the (foreground) color, but you have the option to utilize $body-color instead...

@include alert-variant($info, $info, $body-color);

Check out the demonstration here

Upgraded Bootstrap 5.3.0 Version

As detailed in the documentation...

"The Sass mixin is now deprecated. Alert variants have their CSS variables overridden through a Sass loop"

Therefore, there are distinct color variables for the alert text, background color, links, and more... In your specific case, it is recommended to override $info-bg-subtle for the background color:

$info: #d9edf7;
$info-bg-subtle: #d9edf7;

@import "bootstrap";

View the SASS demo here

Answer №2

Upon thorough investigation, it seems that the culprit causing the issue in Bootstrap 5.0 is the SASS variable called $alert-bg-scale. This variable is defined in the _variables.scss file with an initial value of -80%.

$alert-bg-scale: 0%;
$info: #d9edf7;

@import "bootstrap.scss";

Regrettably, achieving the desired behavior may not be as straightforward as you had anticipated. Modifying this value will result in a darker background color for ALL alerts. However, it seems that this issue has been resolved in later versions, as mentioned in Carol Skelly's response.

There are a few potential workarounds that come to mind:

Utilize the .alert-info class instead of .bg-info

This class only alters the border and text color in addition to the background-color.

Implement an override for the .bg-info class

If you strongly oppose the idea of using the border and text color defined by the previous suggestion, this method can be effective. However, I would advise against it as it would deviate from the expected Bootstrap behavior. Alternatively, you could create a custom class for this purpose.

$info: #d9edf7;

@import "bootstrap.scss";

  By placing this snippet after importing Bootstrap, you gain access to all the
  SASS functions, particularly `shift-color()`
.bg-info {
    background-color: shift-color($info, $alert-bg-scale) !important;

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