What is the best way to anchor an image so that it remains fixed in its position relative to the browser or screen resolution?

I inquired about an issue a few days back, but I realize now that my explanation was unclear. To make things clearer, let me present two images to illustrate my problem. This is how it appears for me: . However, individuals with different screen resolutions or those who have zoomed in on their browsers see it like this: . I am unsure about how to prevent this from happening.

Below is a snippet of my code. (I'm not very skilled at CSS)

    #div1 {
    position: absolute;
        left: 542px;
    top: 432px;
    #div3 {
    position: absolute;
        left: 264px;
    top: 433px;
    #div4 {
    position: absolute;
    left: 1045px;
    top: 432px;
    #div5 {
    position: absolute;
    left: 313px;
    top: 566px;
    #divl {
    position: absolute;
        left: 542px;
    top: 460px;

Answer №1

You could try something along these lines:-

<div class="container">
<div class="box size1">Div1 for ranking information</div>
<div class="box size2">Div2 for centralized content</div>
<div class="box size1">Div3 for help section</div>

css :-


Percentage-based widths are recommended

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